Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pool Party vs. Antiparty June 1, 2012

Mrs. Clifford decided to through an end of the year party for the rising 6th and 7th graders. However, it was Thomas' Birthday and he decided to invite 12 guys and only 12 guys to a sleep over on the same day. That left the rest of the 7th grade guys all alone with the girls at a pool party at the farm.

Here are some Pics of the Party at the farm.

There was a high dive and Sean, Sam, and Alex did back flips off it.

Duck Faces with Kiersten, Maya, Elizabeth, and Maria

Waiting in line for the high dive 
Sean's flirting with them girls.

Chilling around, eating pizza, listening to music, creating Sprite volcanoes, dancing, and talking about random things 

More Chilling around...


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