Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Teachers these days are CRAZY!!!

While some school's stress over exams, the kids at our school stress over everyday because of our high-expectating teachers. Let's start with Mrs. Cordova, our Spanish Teacher. She barely speaks english, so no one understands her and she wants to get us 'ready' for COLLEGE!!! We are only in middle school and some of aren't even going to college! She gives us zeroes if we don't have our homework and she gives us big tests only on Mondays. She criticizes the system how the put all the lazy people in one class, and how none of us do our homework. If she really wanted to treat us like we were in college, we wouldn't have homework.

Next is Mrs. Fargione. Grew up teaching math in the hood. She gives us homework everyday and only gives us tests on the same day as other teachers (we would have two major tests in one day.) She believes in enforcing the rules and separating people.

Mrs. Stone replace the most dreaded LA teacher... Mrs. Holleran (see earlier post 'Arbitrary') She sits at her desk and grades paper as we read a book. She only really "teaches" us when the principal is in the room. She gives us tests every Thursday and treats classes differently. She has one specific rule for one class "If you come into class late, you will have to stay with me for 10 min. after class. AKA detention." This is favoritism.

Another one of the worst is Ms. Foster. She is just a crabby old lady with no man in her life. She tries her best to alienate everyone in the school by yelling at them and making them cry. Giving the entire school lectures over the intercom every other day. Her job is to suspend people and to give out punishments.

Finally Mrs. Eldred, our Religion teacher. For some, she is a period where we get to express our feelings about our other terrible teachers. But for others, she is an old woman who needs anger management.

Alexandra Broke Up AGAIN??

Oh Alexandra.... the class *lut. She's been in so many "relationships" its not even funny. She recently just broke up with Sean, right after she broke up with Sam, right before Kuzy, right before Sam again... and Dono comes in somewhere... Anyway its too many to keep track.

So... anyways me and a few buds are having a bet. I say she'll get someone before the dance. Adelaide says during the dance, Colleen says after the dance, and Joe says after Christmas. How fast do you think she will rebound? I will post a poll... maybe if I'm not too lazy.

Evan on the Verge of Expolsion?

Romour has it that Evan might be on the verge of being expelled. After time and time again of being suspended, will he finally tear the last straw? Today Evan brought a "carbonated drink" into school. According to Ms. Foster this is against school rules. Apparently, in the boy's bathroom, some one spewed coke all over. Evan claims he didn't spew it, but will Ms. Foster believe him? Will Maria's civil union buddy go down without a fight? I guess we will see...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Partying Guest Lists?

Sometimes a little birdy lets some information slip that wasn't meant to be known (more times than often). You're throwing a party, and I wasn't invited? No one likes that feeling. Especially when your school is so small, it's rediculious that half of the grade wasn't invited. I'm not going to mention any names of who through these parties *cough* cough* Caroline, Erich, Sam M. Alexandra, Fran, Alex K., and Virginia. *cough* cough* But you know what they say. Karma can be a bitc*